President’s Corner- September 2018

President’s Corner – July 2018
August 23, 2018
President’s Corner – April 2019
April 19, 2019
President’s Corner – July 2018
August 23, 2018
President’s Corner – April 2019
April 19, 2019

Just returned from the ETSCA Regional Specialty in Des Moines, Iowa and boy was it a lot of fun!! This year, the team of die-hard English Toy Spaniel enthusiasts from the Mid-West decided to host back-to-back Specialty events. The decision included hosting two Puppy Sweepstakes, as well as, two Regular Class judging events. This decision was a resounding success!! The comradery at these two events was spectacular and, suffice it to say, it was a resounding success with 4 and 5-point majors in both sexes and lots of beautiful Specials Dogs in both Varieties for the judges to select from. Tremendous thanks to the dedicated Mid-West ETSCA members that worked so hard to host this event and special thanks to fellow member, Polly Mumma, for serving as Show Chair. Would also like to recognize members, Theresa Cousins and Ryan Prins, for judging the Puppy Sweepstakes. Also, a big thank you goes out to Mr. Ken Berg and Dr. Geno Sisneros for their thoughtful judging of our breed. Your kind hands and knowledge of the breed standard was very apparent to all those in attendance!

This month marks the hosting of our first ETSCA Town Hall meeting. The agenda for the 30-minute meeting has been sent to the membership via email. Really hope that as many members as possible can attend this unique opportunity for all of us to get together!

As many of you may know, the ETSCA Recording Secretary, Mrs. Susan Plance, recently experienced a horrible fire at her home. Thankfully, Sue, her husband, and all of their four-legged family members were safe from the fire. However, her home was completely destroyed. As a result of new priorities, Sue informed the Officers and Board of her need to step down from the office of Recording Secretary to focus on the needs of her family. As the most recent ETSCA Board meeting, a motion to consolidate the office of Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary into a single position, as described in Article III, Section 2, Paragraph C of the ETSCA Constitution and By-Laws, was approved. Effective immediately, Mrs. Theresa Cousins will fulfill the requirements for the office of Club Secretary. On behalf of the entire Club, thank you Mrs. Plance for your service to the Club and please let us know if there is anything that Club can do to help you and your family.

Finally, the ETSCA Committee descriptions are posted on the club website. I would encourage each of you to peruse the various Committees and select at least one committee to serve on. Membership in the ETSCA is a privilege and it is vital that our members give service to the club to help keep us on our path forward. Should you have any questions regarding the Committees or want to discuss ways in which you can serve the club, please do not hesitate to contact any Officer or Board member.

Until next time,

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